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Hike Mitchellsville Creek Gorge (near Bath NY)

  • 28 Jul 2019
  • 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • Bath, NY


Registration is closed

Easy 2.5 mile going generally downhill, with views into Mitchellsville Creek Gorge as we walk along the rim. With the exception of a short walk across fields at the beginning and end, this hike is in a cool forest, with opportunities to soak your feet in the Keuka Lake Inlet near the end. We'll be inviting along new women we meet at the Finger Lakes Trail Days on Saturday.

We'll meet at Urbana Town Court (8014 Pleasant Valley Rd, Bath, NY) at 10 am and car pool to the start point and start hiking by 10:30. We'll meet near the kiosk in the parking lot.

**Note: I will be out of town until Wednesday evening, so if you send me questions they won't be answered right away.

This free event is open to members and non-members of Women Outdoors. Non-members are invited to join us on two events to see what you think. The third time's a charm - we'll ask you to join Women Outdoors at that point. You can join now by clicking on Join Us.

*** RSVP and Cancellations – IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ ***

Please respect the trip leader and update your RSVP if you sign-up but then are unable to attend. Please also RSVP early, especially if there are only a few signed up. Events may be cancelled due to lack of attendance, as well as changes in weather or other circumstances. If you must cancel at the last minute, call or text the event host/trip leader (see your registration confirmation for contact details) and let her know who it is who is calling/texting. Be sure to copy down the address, directions, and trip leader contact information to bring with you as there might not be good cell service at the event location.

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