WOOF: Women Outdoors Online Funtimes
Join us for
Holly (Hols) Bowyer, of our Western Massachusetts region, isn't a professional DJ, but that hasn't stopped her from having fun dance parties every two weeks! With a few months left of being inside, she'll be hosting these dance parties every 2 weeks, with the next being on Saturday, 2/13, 6:30-8:30, with plenty of time during and afterwards for socializing. The music is very eclectic: pop, classic oldies, typical usual dance tunes, African beat, and R&B.
Come and dance, or just visit with other WO members!
Note: Zoom Meeting Details will be sent in your confirmation email OR later via a separate email.
This WOOF event is brought to you courtesy of 1. Hols: a fellow Women Outdoors member who has generously volunteered to offer her talents and time to gift us with an evening of fun and exercise (thank you, Hols!!!)❤️; and 2. to the hard work and creativity of your board of directors: Lisa Vaas❤️, Bonna Wieler❤️, Anna DeSousa❤️, Mary Charney❤️, Paris Horan❤️, and Kris Mujica❤️ (thank you all—you are truly rockstars!). If you'd like to work on fun projects like this, consider joining the board, or talk to your Regional Contact(s) about how you can help her/them out with event and trip leading. Write to president@womenoutdoors.org with any comments, suggestions, or questions. The board would love to hear from you.
*** RSVP and Cancellations – IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ ***
Please respect the trip leader and other members and update your RSVP if you sign-up but then are unable to attend, especially if there is an attendee limit for this event! Events may be cancelled due to lack of attendance or other circumstances.
To Cancel: Go to your Registration List
- Click on this event in your list
- Click on the Already registered link under the REGISTER button.
- At the next page that opens with your registration form, click on the CANCEL REGISTRATION button, and then again click on Cancel Registration on the pop-up form.
- Ignore the link to contact the administrator