WOOF: Women Outdoors Online Funtimes
Join us for
"Paddling Safety for Women Outdoors
Trip Leaders and Participants"

with Deb Weisenstein
Note: Zoom Meeting Details will be sent with your confirmation email
The online session will present scenarios and situations where a simple paddling trip could unexpectedly present hazards. It will include rules of thumb for assessing a paddling venue, hazards caused by strainers, sweepers, and low head dams, and pre-trip preparation to avoid surprises. We will discuss dealing with on-water emergencies, rescue priorities, and safety gear to carry in the context of two not-so-hypothetical situations.
About Deb:
Deb has been hiking and paddling in New England for over 40 years. She was a whitewater trip leader for AMC in the 1980s and currently leads flatwater and quickwater trips for AMC and Women Outdoors. She paddles kayaks, tandem and solo canoes and holds an instructor certification from the American Canoe Association in Level 1 kayaking and Level 2 tandem canoeing. Along with Bonna Wieler, Deb teaches kayak and canoe paddling strokes and rescue techniques on the water at Women Outdoors Gatherings.
There are more WOOF events coming up soon.
Do you have a WOOF session you'd like to lead, with our support and Zoom account? Say...
- A virtual yoga session
- A cooking segment
- A slideshow on your fabulous vacation
- A session on winter hiking or other outdoor skills
- A session with the author of a great outdoors book
Alternatively, do you have a presenter you'd like to suggest?
Please don't hesitate to contact the WOOF organizers at WOOF@womenoutdoors.org.
And please make sure to attend our WOOF sessions. We look forward to Zooming with you!
*** RSVP and Cancellations – IMPORTANT – PLEASE READ ***
Please respect the host and other members and update your RSVP if you sign-up but then are unable to attend, especially if there is an attendee limit for this event! Events may be cancelled due to lack of attendance or other circumstances.
To Cancel: Go to your Registration List
- Click on this event in your list
- Click on the Already registered link under the REGISTER button.
- At the next page that opens with your registration form, click on the CANCEL REGISTRATION button, and then again click on Cancel Registration on the pop-up form.
- Ignore the link to contact the administrator